It’s vitally important to keep the scales up so that your character can gain happiness points. The scales will tip you when your Sim needs to eat, sleep or when they are bored or overworked and require some entertainment. You will be able to monitor every movement of your character’s soul and body.
Here you can access all of your current goals and wishes. You will also see a scale of needs, mood and desires at the bottom of the screen. You will see him or her walking around the house, going out, taking a cab to work, visiting various places and talking to all the people you meet on your way. The interface shows your character in a third-person view. Here you can create a character to your own liking or even a family of them and start living in an amazing virtual town where you can find a job of your dream, new friends, romantic relationships and generally have a lot of fun! A third-person view
And this is probably the most plausible and feature-packed simulator of a human life that exists nowadays.
What are The Sims 3? There is hardly a person who hasn’t heard about this great game.